Ways to Be Involved
There are many ways to get involved even at a distance at Epiphany. If you are unsure where you’d fit in, please fill out our volunteer interest form and someone will contact you!
Request for Readers for Sunday Service
You are invited to participate in Epiphany’s weekly Sunday Service as a reader. Two volunteers are needed each Sunday to read the Psalms and lead the Prayers of the People. One of the volunteers would also respond on behalf of the congregation at select times (‘Thanks be to God,’ ‘Amen,’ etc.) No experience necessary but former readers are encouraged to participate in this new online format. You can participate by logging into Zoom, on or off video, or by calling in by phone.
To volunteer or to ask questions, please send an email to Lois Nembhard.
Request for Virtual Vergers for Sunday Service
We are currently in need of church vergers to assist with the operation of our online worship services. Our “virtual vergers” will serve as co-hosts to effectively control sound during our Sunday service and occasionally work with our parish family to help manage our website. Vergers will also help our clergy respond to any inquiries concerning upcoming services and current program offerings. Please consider signing up for one of our verger trainings!
Please contact Vivian Dandridge or Communications to learn more.

Grocery Fund
We have a fund on Realm to support our parishioners who have been hit especially hard by COVID-19 and are struggling to afford groceries. Please click here to donate. You can specify whether this is for a specific person, or for the general grocery pot.
Finally, for such a challenging time as this, we are asking for your support. During the COVID-19 crisis, we are still operating The Welcome Table in a limited capacity, handing out bags of food and supplies on Sunday mornings to our homeless community in collaboration with New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. The building is also still open in a limited capacity for our friends at Street Sense Media to do their essential work for DC’s homeless community.